The case of the Riau PLTU, Setya Novanto Testifies at the Eni Saragih Session

Siaran Utama. Former House Speaker Setya Novanto (Setnov) was presented as a witness in a trial following the alleged bribery agreement for the Riau-1 PLTU project, with the defendant former Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission VII Eni Maulani Saragih, Tuesday (18/12).

In addition to Setnov, the KPK public prosecutor also presented Blackgold Natural Recourses Limited shareholder Johannes B Kotjo as a witness.

"Witness today, Kotjo and Setnov," said one of Eni's attorneys, Fadli Nasution, when confirmed through a short message.

Eni's continued meeting which was held at the Jakarta Corruption Court will be opened by the panel of judges at around 10:00 WIB.

The name Setnov himself appeared in Eni's indictment. He said he would get a fee from the Riau-1 PLTU project, which was estimated to have a project value of US $ 900 million. Setnov will get around US $ 6 million if the project runs.

The former Chairperson of Golkar was called to help Kotjo to work on the Riau-1 PLTU. Setnov then asked Eni to escort Kotjo. Setnov and Eni are both from Golkar.

On that direction, then Eni invited the Managing Director of PT PLN, Sofyan Basir, to Setnov's house around last 2016.

In the trial last week, Sofyan admitted to coming to Setnov's house on Eni's invitation. Sofyan said that he came with the Director of Strategic Procurement 2 of PT PLN Supangkat Iwan Santoso.

"If I am not mistaken at that time he (Setnov) through Bu Eni, Pak Sofyan, Pak Novanto would meet," said Sofyan while testifying to Eni, the defendant bribe the Riau-1 PLTU project, at the Jakarta Corruption Court on Tuesday (11 / 12).

According to Sofyan, Setnov, who had just returned from the State Palace, said about the 35,000 megawatt electricity program that was going well.

The former Director of BRI said that in the middle of the conversation Setnov asked about the Java III PLTGU project, in Gresik, East Java. Sofyan told Setnov that the project had been worked on by PLN.

Sofyan told Setnov that the PLN project on Java was full. He also told Setnov to look at PLN's website regarding projects outside Java which were still empty or did not yet have investors.

Sofyan claimed there was no discussion about the Riau-1 PLTU project with Setnov. At that time, said Sofyan, Setnov did not name Kotjo as a party interested in working on the PLN project, especially at the Riau-1 PLTU.

In this case, Eni was charged with receiving Rp. 4.75 billion from Kotjo so that his company would work on the US $ 900 million project. Eni allegedly played a role in lobbying Sofyan so that the National Electric Company would submit the project to Kotjo. So far, the KPK has just established Eni, Kotjo and former Social Minister Idrus Marham as suspects.


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