The Price of Chicken Eggs Increases in a Number of Regions Near the End of the Year

Indonesia Faktual. The price of chicken eggs and various types of vegetables in a number of regions increased towards the end of this year. The price increase is expected due to high demand along the 2019 Christmas and New Year holidays.

According to Antara's report, the price of eggs in the traditional market of Tulungagung, East Java, gradually rose from the previous range of Rp20,000 to Rp25,000 per kilogram (Kg). This happened along with the high demand ahead of the 2019 Christmas and New Year celebrations.

"Yes, this is always the case. Every year before the Christmas celebration the price of eggs always goes up," said Musini, an egg trader at Pasar Besar Ngemplak, Tulungagung, as quoted from Antara, Tuesday (18/12).

See also: Minister of Transportation Limits Operation Truck at Christmas, Complains Businessman

Musini and a number of other traders claimed that the increase in egg prices had occurred at the farmer level. The high market demand is one of the factors triggering an increase in the price of chicken eggs at this time.

Not only chicken eggs, the prices of several other foods also increased, such as the price of chili which was previously Rp. 20 thousand to Rp. 35 thousand per kg, previous red chili Rp. 24 thousand now Rp. 32 thousand per kg, and previous curly chili Rp. 18 thousand to Rp. 24 thousand per kg.

"It is estimated that the price increase will continue, seeing people's needs continue to increase, maybe until the end of the coming year," said Wijiatin, a vegetable trader in Tulungagung.

In Purwokerto, Central Java, the price of chicken eggs rose again to Rp. 27 thousand per kg, after having survived around Rp. 26 thousand per kg in the past week.

According to the Antara report, Wasis, traders in traditional markets say the increase in prices of race chicken eggs is an impact of rising feed prices, especially those of corn.

In addition, he said, the increase in the price of chicken eggs usually happens before Christmas and New Year, although not as big as during Eid.

"The current price increase does seem high because it has gradually increased," he said.

He admitted that in October, the price of chicken eggs returned to normal in the range of IDR 21 thousand to IDR 22 thousand per kg, after having reached IDR 29 thousand per kg.

However, the decline in prices only lasted a few days, then rose gradually until finally reaching Rp27 thousand per kg.

One of the housewives, Ningsih hopes the government can immediately control the increase in the price of eggs and other basic necessities so as not to soar.

"I hope the price of chicken eggs will return to normal so that it is affordable by the community, especially those of us who have low incomes. Even if there is an increase, the maximum is up to IDR 23 thousand per kg," he said.

In Maluku, broiler egg traders set prices varying tend to rise, starting from Rp1,900-Rp2,000 per item. Some also sold Rp. 60,000 per shelf (30 items) and Rp. 58,000 per shelf.

"The variation in prices is not much different. Prices vary due to the prices purchased by retailers from supplier agents differently," said Rohim, a trader at Mardika Market, Ambon, as quoted by Antara, Tuesday (18/12).

Host, an egg supplier agent from Surabaya, admitted that every week there was always a change in the price of eggs.

"Last week the price at the production center was Rp.285 thousand per bundle (180 items), then the current week rose again to Rp300 thousand to Rp310 thousand per bundle," he said.

That is, retail traders in the market sell eggs at prices ranging from Rp1,900 to Rp2,000 per item.

Host also hopes that prices at the same level of production can last, so that prices at retailers also survive as they are now.

In Sorong, West Papua, the price of cayenne pepper also increased from an average of Rp. 60 thousand per kg to Rp. 70 thousand per kg.

In fact, a trader at the Remu Market in Sorong City, Jamaludin (42), claimed to sell cayenne pepper for Rp. 80,000 per kilogram because prices at the agent and farmer level rose.

According to him, cayenne which is sold by Remu traditional market is from local farmers, some are imported from outside Sorong City.

He said the stock of cayenne brought in from outside the city of Sorong was limited, because of the delay in the ship, so that the price of local cayenne pepper also rose.


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