Towards the End of Year and Christmas Holiday, the Bogor Botanical Gardens are Closed

Kolom Aktual. Towards the Christmas and New Year holidays the less exciting news came from the neighboring Jakarta to the south, namely Bogor.

Management of the Plant Conservation Center (PKT) LIPI Botanical Gardens, temporarily closed the operation of the Bogor Botanical Gardens because of the potential for strong winds that hit the Bogor area.

"While the operation of the Bogor Botanical Gardens is closed until an unspecified time limit. This is a preventative effort in order to maintain visitor safety," said PKT Public Relations Staff at LIPI Botanical Garden, Ayi Donni Darussalam, as quoted from Antara, Tuesday (18/12).

Doni explained that the closure of the Bogor Botanical Gardens had been carried out since Sunday (12/16), precisely at around 14.00 WIB when strong winds hit the Botanical Gardens.

The incident also caused a tree of five to six meters tall palms to fall, and a number of broken tree branches.

"We have also coordinated with BMKG which informs us of the potential for strong winds that hit Bogor, so we take anticipatory steps," said Doni.

Officially the PKT management of the LIPI Botanical Garden has issued an announcement on the temporary closure of the Bogor Botanical Gardens both through the water of the official LIPI website, social media and leaflets at the entrance gate.

Meanwhile, Bogor Botanical Gardens are still serving especially visitors outside the region who have booked entry tickets since a few days earlier.

Most of the visitors came from school groups who filled holidays from the regions.

"We only serve those who have booked, but only to locations such as the Zoological Museum," he said.

Doni apologized to the people who were disappointed because of the closure of the Bogor Botanical Gardens this holiday season.

"We must prioritize visitor safety, for the safety and comfort of visitors, hopefully the closure will not last long," said Doni.

Until today the Bogor Botanical Gardens are still closed for anyone who wants to enjoy the moment of their year-end holiday in Bogor. For residents who want to visit Bogor, they are expected to go to other attractions.


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